Jan 20, 2006

Gil Scott Heron said it best..The Revolution will not be televised.

This song by aforementioned Gill Scott Heron has been running through my head since all the shit broke about the eavesdropping by the Shrub. His site is here. It was written during the Nixon era..need I say more? I just wanted to make it more timely..my additions are in red.

You will not be able to stay home, brother.
You will not be able to plug in, turn on and cop out.
You will not be able to lose yourself on skag and skip,
Skip out for beer during commercials,
Because the revolution will not be televised.
The revolution will not be televised.
The revolution will not be brought to you by Halliburton
In 4 parts without commercial interruptions.
The revolution will not show you pictures of Bush blowing a bugle and leading a charge by Dick Cheney, The NSA and Karl Rove
to eat hog maws confiscated from a Harlem sanctuary.
The revolution will not be televised.
The revolution will not be brought to you by the FOX News Corp. and will not star Bill O'Reilly and Condoleeza Rice or Pat Robertson.
The revolution will not give your mouth sex appeal.
The revolution will not get rid of the nubs.
The revolution will not make you look five poundsthinner,
because the revolution will not be televised, Brother.
There will be no pictures of you and Aunt Mary talking on the phone
and saying the words "bomb" and "Al Queda" in the same sentence thus getting the Pentagon listening to your every convo for two weeks straight.
NBC will not be able predict the winner at 8:32
or report from 29 districts.
The revolution will not be televised.
There will be no pictures of the FBI raiding your house
and taking your computer with them
to see who and what you have been up to
simply because you google'd the words "pipe bomb".
There will be no pictures of Valerie Plame's life being forever wrecked
because her husband told the truth
when Bush didnt about nuclear yellow cake moving into Iraq.
There will be no slow motion or still life of Cindy Sheehan sitting in a ditch
waiting to talk to the President
about why her son had to go to Iraq and die for no good reason.
Green Acres, The Beverly Hillbillies, and Hooterville Junction will no longer be so damned relevant,
and women will not care if Dick finally gets down with Jane on Search for Tomorrow
because Pissed off people will be in the street looking for return of thier rights taken by Bush and his cronies in the name of terrorism.
The revolution will not be televised.
There will be no highlights on the eleven o'clock news
and no pictures of hairy armed women liberationists
and Alito's wife crying and blowing her nose.
The theme song will not be written by Jim Webb,Francis Scott Key,
nor sung by Tracy Lawrence, or any other country artists that haven't got a clue about whats going on in their country, they just always badmouth the Left as puppets for the Bush Regime.
The revolution will not be televised.
The revolution will not be right back after a message
about a white tornado, white lightning, or white people.
You will not have to worry about a dove in your bedroom,
a tiger in your tank,
or the giant in your toilet bowl.
The revolution will not go better with Coke.
The revolution will not fight the germs that may cause bad breath.
The revolution will put you in the driver's seat.
The revolution will not be televised, will not be televised,
will not be televised, will not be televised.
The revolution will be no re-run brothers;
The revolution will be live.

Today's Photo..er..Graphic..ok, Picture.

It's moving day!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have purchased a domain name. I have been meticulously working on a new site,Leftwing Nutjob. Please change your bookmarks people..this puppy will no longer be updated as of July 1st 2011.