Aug 23, 2006

New poll shows americans aren't as dumb as Republicans think.

Poll..ah yes, they suck usually..their numbers can be skewed to show whatever you want, depending on how you ask the questions, in what order, etc. I do however like this one. It serves my interests therefore I will share it with you, my dear reader...

Its from the NYT/CBS poll which you can check out here in pdf form. This is the opening paragraph in the NYT writeup:

"The poll found that 51 percent of those surveyed saw no link between the war in Iraq and the broader antiterror effort, a jump of 10 percentage points since June. That increase comes despite the regular insistence of Mr. Bush and Congressional Republicans that the two are intertwined and should be seen as complementary elements of a strategy to prevent domestic terrorism."

At least half the general population has seen Alex Trebek and purchased a clue inspite of the Shrub's insistance this week of the following:
“If you believe that the job of the federal government is to secure this country,” he said, “it’s really important for you to understand that success in Iraq is part of securing the country.”

There is hope that voters will follow the same line of reasoning this coming November. The NYT writeup also states there is a difference between Bush's job performance regarding the GWOT and his job performance overall..Georgie's general job performance is still mired in the middle 30's. Their view of Congress isn't a whole helluva lot better, with 60% of those polled saying they are fuckwits and worthless bags of scum-sucking moneygrubbers.

Ok, they didn't say that, I did. But 60% disapproved of the job Congress is doing.

Vote Democratic in November..give the other guys a shot at screwing everything up..what do we have to lose?

Today's, Picture.

It's moving day!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have purchased a domain name. I have been meticulously working on a new site,Leftwing Nutjob. Please change your bookmarks people..this puppy will no longer be updated as of July 1st 2011.