Oct 8, 2006

Is Hastert going down? And I don't mean that in a sexual context.

The opening salvo in a WaPo article from yesterday:

"House Speaker J. Dennis Hastert's chief of staff confronted then-Rep. Mark Foley about his inappropriate social contact with male pages well before the speaker said aides in his office took any action, a current congressional staff member with personal knowledge of Foley and his behavior with pages said yesterday."

My oh my..it isn't looking very good for the rotund gentleman from IL. I do have to check his poll numbers come Monday.

Today's Photo..er..Graphic..ok, Picture.

It's moving day!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have purchased a domain name. I have been meticulously working on a new site,Leftwing Nutjob. Please change your bookmarks people..this puppy will no longer be updated as of July 1st 2011.