Feb 9, 2007

Some tidbits from Scooters Grand Jury testimony

Testimony..ah yes, You can read the transcript of Scooters GJ testimony here and here. Attention Kmart shoppers, they are PDF files..Have I mentioned lately that Mary Matalin is a bitch with a capital B? Thank you to Firedoglake for the links and liveblogging they have been doing throughout the entire trial.

Now, some of the good stuff:

Q. It still remains that it is possible that the Vice President could have told you to talk to people about Wilson's wife working at the CIA, but you do not remember that?
A. It's, it's not what I had on my card from that meeting, and I don't recall him telling me to talk to the — to anybody about the wife working at the CIA on the airplane that day.

Q. But you do recall him telling you back in June, from your notes dated June 12th, and you recall that that stuck in his mind then in June as a curious fact the way he observed to you that his wife worked there. Correct?
A. Yes, sir.

Q. And you do know that Vice President Cheney was quite frustrated during the week of July 6th through July 12th at how the media was treating this issue, and the fact that he was being unfairly maligned in the media. Correct'?
A. Yes, sir.

Q. And you had gotten an e-mail, I believe, from Jay Carney of Time magazine the day before saying people are pointing fingers at OVP. Correct?
A. That sounds right, sir. I haven't looked at it recently, but that sounds right.

Q. And so, on July 12th, Vice President Cheney was still determined to get the full story out. Correct?
A. That's correct, sir.

Q. And the notes show all week he said, anything less than the complete truth would be a mistake. Correct?
A: Correct, sir.

Q. And during that time the Vice President was also expressing doubts about the validity of Ambassador Wilson's conclusions because, number one, he didn't think that — he thought it unusual that they had used a former ambassador to take this trip. Correct?
A. You say, "during that week," and it could be during that week. I just don't recall it as — I don't recall there was a discussion during that week, but that could be, I recall them later, and as you pointed out, we have — he had something like that on the lunch of the 18th. When Vice President Cheney said, "get the full story out," what I understood by that was the NIE, the January 24 document, the CIA's comments in February to the IAEA, those sorts of things. The substance, the full substance that he wasn't the one who was told, et cetera.

Q. Well, when Mary Matalin, we saw her notes last time, talked about "get the full Wilson story out, get Wilson motivation out." Correct?
.A. Mary Matalin had said that. Yes, sir.

Q. . She talked about ["Wilson's a snake" — redacted in files]. Correct? ' .
A. I don't know if that was her word. That was my note about the type of things she was saying, I think.

Q. And Vice President Cheney talked about it with you for the first time that your notes reflect, he brought up that Wilson's wife worked at the CIA in the functional Office of Counterproliferation. Correct?
A. Back in June… yes, sir.

Q. And the column July 6th written by Mr. Wilson with the Vice President's annotations asked, "did his wife send him on a junket." Correct?
A. Whenever he made that note. Yes, sir.

Q. And so you told the FBI in your first interview, or one of your two interviews, that it's possible that the Vice President could have told you on Air Force Two that you should tell the press about Wilson's wife, but you do not recall that happening. Correct?
A. Correct.

Q. And does that remain true?
A. It remains true that it was possible, I don't remember it happening.

Today's Photo..er..Graphic..ok, Picture.

It's moving day!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have purchased a domain name. I have been meticulously working on a new site,Leftwing Nutjob. Please change your bookmarks people..this puppy will no longer be updated as of July 1st 2011.