I wanted to keep track of how many times the warmongerers used their favorite buzzwords and slogans. But sadly they put me to sleep on several occasions. Never fear however, the good folks at Alternet stayed awake and had the same idea I did. Below is their all-star list of who said what and how many times during the all-night sleepover in the Senate plus several of the screwups:
Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX)
Desperate Buzzphrase Count:
Kit Bond (R-MO)Freudian slip in describing the alleged dangers of a troop withdrawal: "If we were to leave Iran without finishing the job…" said Bond.
Desperate Buzzphrase Count:
- "Retreat and defeat" 3
- "Cut and run" 2
- "Run and leave" (See "Cut and run")
- "Embarrass the president" 1
Jim DeMint (R-SC)DeMint referred to Democrats as the "minority party" until Barbara Mikulski (D-MD) jumped in to correct him.
Desperate Buzzphrase Count:
- "Retreat" 1
- "Embolden our enemies" 1
- "Embarrass the president" 1
Jim Bunning (R-KY)Desperate Buzzphrase Count:
- "MoveOn.org" 2
- "Cut and Run" 2
- "Follow us home" 1
Hillary literally put me to sleep. Something about her voice I guess..
Tags: Filibuster