WaPo feeds us this lovely piece of news this morning:
Iraq Embassy Cost Rises $144 Million Amid Project Delays Planning, Workmanship Cited as Problems By Glenn Kessler Washington Post Staff Writer Sunday, October 7, 2007; Page A01 The massive U.S. embassy under construction in Baghdad could cost $144 million more than projected and will open months behind schedule because of poor planning, shoddy workmanship, internal disputes and last-minute changes sought by State Department officials, according to U.S. officials and a department document provided to Congress.
The embassy, which will be the largest U.S. diplomatic mission in the world, was budgeted at $592 million. The core project was supposed to have been completed by last month, but the timetable has slipped so much that the State Department has sought and received permission from the Iraqi government to allow about 2,000 non-Iraqi construction employees to stay in the country until March.
Two key office buildings, including the new chancery, will not be finished until early 2009, according to the document.
Such horseshit folks..seriously..this is a shining example of our bloated nation..excessive, expensive and extremely overdue for a lesson in reality. But we can't afford to provide insurance to our citizens. Where is the logic? Why is this ok? Where is the fucking outrage?
Tags: US Embassy,