A blog mostly about Politics..and the fresh new hell it brings with each day
Feb 16, 2008
Sold-out and they didn't even kiss us first.
Matt Taibbi is an angry young man. His articles always seem to be filled with rage.
Well hell, so do most of mine. Probably why I read his stuff. His most recent writeup for RS really rips the Congressional Critters we elected in 06 a new one. He also takes to task many of the anti-war activists..most of whom I know of and get daily or weekly emails from on 'action' items for progressives from. This little snippet from page two is a real gem:
Rather than use the vast power they had to end the war, Democrats devoted their energy to making sure that "anti-war activism" became synonymous with "electing Democrats." Capitalizing on America's desire to end the war, they hijacked the anti-war movement itself, filling the ranks of peace groups with loyal party hacks. Anti-war organizations essentially became a political tool for the Democrats — one operated from inside the Beltway and devoted primarily to targeting Republicans.
This supposedly grass-roots "anti-war coalition" met regularly on K Street, the very capital of top-down Beltway politics. At the forefront of the groups are Thomas Matzzie and Brad Woodhouse of Americans Against the Escalation in Iraq, the leader of the anti-war lobby. Along with other K Street crusaders, the two have received iconic treatment from The Washington Post and The New York Times, both of which depicted the anti-war warriors as young idealist-progressives in shirtsleeves, riding a mirthful spirit into political combat — changing the world is fun!
But what exactly are these young idealists campaigning for? At its most recent meeting, the group eerily echoed the Reid-Pelosi "squeezed for time" mantra: Retreat from any attempt to end the war and focus on electing Democrats. "There was a lot of agreement that we can draw distinctions between anti-war Democrats and pro-war Republicans," a spokeswoman for Americans Against the Escalation in Iraq announced.
Just made my friggin Saturday to read that entire piece. If you don't mind getting pissed off, its a great read.
Today's Photo..er..Graphic..ok, Picture.
Remember when? by ~dusty1215 on deviantART
It's moving day!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have purchased a domain name. I have been meticulously working on a new site,Leftwing Nutjob. Please change your bookmarks people..this puppy will no longer be updated as of July 1st 2011.