Enigma mentioned this raid in my comments yesterday. Today I read about over at TomPaine/OurFuture.com:
FBI agents on Tuesday searched the home and office of a federal watchdog as part of an investigation into whether he obstructed an inquiry into allegations of his own misconduct.
About 20 agents seized documents and computers from the office and Virginia home of U.S. Special Counsel Scott Bloch, said officials familiar with the investigation.
Several of his employees have been subpoenaed to appear before a federal grand jury as early as next week, according to the officials, who asked to remain anonymous because they weren't authorized to comment.
Agents are looking into whether Bloch deleted his agency's computer files to hinder an outside investigation of his treatment of employees, the officials said. Bloch, appointed in 2004, investigates allegations of retaliation and ethics violations by federal employees.
Man, its just amazing how much corruption there is in BushCo. It makes Nixon's administration look like a kids birthday party. Notice he is an appointee...didn't they vet these fuckers? Or do they actually look for this type of smarmy creep?
Update: the fine folks at POGO, Project on Government Oversight, have released a "smoking gun" memo written by Mr. Bloch. From their press release:
An extraordinary document obtained by the Project on Government Oversight (POGO) from inside the Office of Special Counsel (OSC) reveals that Special Counsel Scott Bloch created a special task force to investigate sensitive and high-profile matters and then ignored virtually every recommendation made by it. The document lends support to POGO's theory that Bloch used the task force to launch an investigation of the White House, issuing demands for documents termed by his own task force as "overly broad," to create the appearance of a conflict of interest with an ongoing investigation into allegations that Bloch himself had engaged in misconduct.
"With this deeply troubling new evidence of Bloch's misuse of his office POGO now believes the President has more than ample cause to fire Bloch immediately, said Danielle Brian ," Executive Director, POGO.
Hot damn...