Oct 13, 2008

Palin lies in conference call to reporters

Listen to the conference call here. During a conference call, Sarah Palin, who also refers to TrooperGate as TaserGate, stated:

Well, I’m very very pleased to be cleared of any legal wrongdoing … any hint of any kind of unethical activity there. Very pleased to be cleared of any of that.

Big ol lie, because the report (pdf) did find her guilty of abusing the power of her office for personal gain, an ethics violation. This woman evidently has no shame. Part of the transcript below from the Alaska Daily News site:

Palin: Hey, thank you so, Meg. Thank you so much. Thank you also to our local reporters up there in Alaska. Even hearing your names make me feel like I’m right there with you at home. It’s good to get to speak with you. Let me talk a little bit about the Tasergate issue if you guys would let me and, Meg, you want me to just jump right on in there?

Stapleton: Sure governor, go ahead.

Palin: OK cool.

Well, I’m very very pleased to be cleared of any legal wrongdoing … any hint of any kind of unethical activity there. Very pleased to be cleared of any of that. Todd did what anyone would have done given this state trooper’s very, very troubling behavior and his dangerous threats against our family. Todd did what I think any Alaskan would do.

And he, Todd did what the state’s Department of Law Web site tells anyone to do if they have a concern about a state trooper. And that’s you go to the commissioner and you express your concern. And Todd did what our personal detail asked him to do. Bob Cockrell early on as I was elected and was asked are there any threats against you, and Todd brought the concern as I did to Commissioner Monegan about the state trooper’s threats. He did what any - I think — any rational person would do so again, nothing to apologize there with Todd’s actions and again very pleased to be cleared of any legal wrongdoing.

Why do these people think we are all ignorant? Why does Sarah Palin have the ability to lie so easily and to reporters? She also contradicts herself, as per her usual. First says she is happy as a clam to be cleared and then bitches that the report was just partisan politics…which btw..it wasn’t.

Like her running mate, she is a delusional, lying bag o batshit folks..

H/T to TPM for the link to the audio.

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