They tag team ole Scooters ass, and he can't deal with it...he just sits there and cries when they get him cornered. So I get out the fire hose. Ok, really it's just a spray bottle with water in it, but it shoots a stream of water about 15 feet. I hose down the two offending teenie boppers and all is quiet again in the humble abode.
Then, Pee Wee and Spanky start running through the house like their asses are on fire. At least Spanky has a play pal now. They sound like a herd of horses. Spanky has eye issues, so meds were obtained from our vet, the world's most wonderful pet doctor, Dr. Anderson. Here is PW looking innocent. He is one sneaky little fucker.

Enjoy your weekend folks and do something fun and entertaining..treat yourselves to something nice.