Nick is very prolific..he writes books, he has half a dozen blogs on music,writings and local happenings, he is also a very good photographer. I really wanted to just ask that any of my three loyal readers take the time to go check out his coverage of Bakersfields Immigration March yesterday. He has some very good shots up including the one posted here..of my very favorite District Attorney Eddie Jagels..don't ya think Eddie looks like he has a major case of gas or something? Plus, from the posts I have read on local blogs such as NL's and Bako Carpetbaggers, he didn't have a clue what was going on..which, is not news sportsfans..Eddie usually misses the bus on lots of things..like legalized medicinal marijuana use, child molesters and why Bruce Sons should be freed after his office fucked up the first trial against him by hiding evidence. Speaking of the Bruce Son's trial..which is being held for a record 3rd retrial in Santa Maria, CA..the judge isn't taking no shit from the DA's office..kudos to him..course he doesn't have to pay homage to Eddies office like the judges here in town seem to do. ..but I digress..go check out NL..hes da shit.