Sep 19, 2006

California's Duncan Hunter holding up military spending bill..

He wants to add a provision for Military Chaplins to be able to offer up sectarian prayers at any function they see fit. Chaplains now have services and participation or attendance by military personnel is not required. But good ol Duncan Hunter wants the Chaplains to say sectarian prayers at ALL Military events. He of course has found a few religious zealots on the hill to back him like Representative Walter B. Jones, Republican of North Carolina and evangelical Christian groups, like Focus on the Family. They aren't happy with non-sectarian prayers..they just HAVE to be sectarian..jesus christ in a speedo, when will these folks go back under their rocks?

The Chaplains have come out against Hunters proposal..but this doesn't seem to bother Hunter. Per the article this is their line of reasoning: The Defense Department, the main military chaplains association and a variety of ecumenical groups have spoken against the provision, saying that sectarian prayer would create division within the military.

“This provision could marginalize chaplains who, in exercising their conscience, generate discomfort at mandatory formations,” the Pentagon said in a written statement. “Such erosion of unit cohesion is avoided by the military’s present insistence on inclusive prayer at interfaith gatherings — something that the House legislation would operate against.”

When will religious nutjobs stop trying to force feed us their religion and their religious beliefs?

In the last two years, the military has faced several disputes over religion. In 2004, some staff members, alumni and cadets at the Air Force Academy accused evangelical Christians in leadership posts of aggressive proselytizing and discrimination. A group of evangelical chaplains have filed a class-action suit against the Navy saying they were dismissed or denied promotions. Last week, the Navy court-martialed an evangelical chaplain, Lt. Gordon J. Klingenschmitt, for disobeying an order and wearing his uniform to a March protest before the White House.

Today's, Picture.

It's moving day!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have purchased a domain name. I have been meticulously working on a new site,Leftwing Nutjob. Please change your bookmarks people..this puppy will no longer be updated as of July 1st 2011.