This is backwards..this shot is at the end of the march, when we listened to various people talk about whats bothering them about our current administration. We had between 75-100 attend the rally, which ended on the steps of the Superior Court Bldg.

The kids were great, they were enthusiastic, loud and even brought their drums so the chanters would keep together. Their energy was infectious.

At the end of the march, we stood in front of the Court house, chanting as people drove by and honked their support. There were of course, those that saluted us with their middle finger too, but the honkers were received with smiles and cheers.

About this pic above..this lady was a Vietman Vet. She gave a moving speech and her voice started to breakup she was so mad. It was moving and she received the biggest round of applause.
I will post more tomorrow, including a YouTube video that Paul did of our rally today..cool huh?..I have to lay down, my back is killing me. I would like to say that most of our attendees were first-timers. They said they had never done anything like this before, but they are just so tired of everything and they said they had to finally get off the couch and speak up. God bless them all for showing up, I know I am thankful for them and their voices. We had people from highschool up to grandparents and several Vets. It was very moving to see so many people that are also tired of the whole mess we call our government.
I am signing out for now..Peace in '06..it can happen you know..if we all speak out and speak up.