Just some facts about NOLA to remind you of what has happened to this region of the US.:
850,791 - Number of housing units damaged, destroyed, or inaccessible because of Katrina
900 - Approximate number of churches, synagogues, and mosques damaged or destroyed
50 - Approximate percentage of homes in New Orleans still lacking electricity
83 - Percentage of New Orleans schools damaged by Katrina
1/3 - Amount of debris yet to be picked up
49 - Percentage of bus routes now operational
17 - Percentage of buses back in service
$44,800,000 - Amount given to Louisiana by U.S. Dept. of Education for charter schools since Katrina
$0 - Amount given for traditional public schools damaged by the storm
100 - Number of destroyed miles on U.S. Highway 90 running along Gulf Coast between New Orleans and Pascagoula, MS
I know everyone gets hit up for money, but until the Gulf Coast is rebuilt and repopulated, we need to do what we can..in one way or another. We can not let this portion of these United States disappear. Every little bit helps ya know, because its not how much, its that you did it.
Now, back to our regularly scheduled bitchfest :)