WASHINGTON (AP) -- Slapped even by GOP allies, the Bush administration is beating an abrupt retreat on eight federal prosecutors it fired and then publicly pilloried.
Just hours after Attorney General Alberto Gonzales dismissed the hubbub as an "overblown personnel matter," a Republican senator Thursday mused that Gonzales might soon suffer the same fate as the canned U.S. attorneys.
A short time later, Gonzales and his security detail shuttled to the Capitol for a private meeting on Democratic turf, bearing two offerings:
Screw the fuckwits good gents. Take Uncle Al down if you can over this bs.
Then...we have the FBI flap..lol..its almost sad how bad Uncle Al and his minions look lately...but then I wake up and smell the reality of it all.
Uncle Al and the boys at the Justice Dept, and the FBI are crooks and liars..supposing to go after the crooks and liars..oh..the irony. Of course the following quote from the WaPo article just jacked my jaw:
WASHINGTON -- The nation's top two law enforcement officials acknowledged Friday the FBI broke the law to secretly pry out personal information about Americans. They apologized and vowed to prevent further illegal intrusions. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales left open the possibility of pursuing criminal charges against FBI agents or lawyers who improperly used the USA Patriot Act in pursuit of suspected terrorists and spies.
GIVE ME A FRIGGIN' BREAK!!! They apologized and promised never to do that again?
And people believe them? Possible criminal charges my ass. If they do go after these assholes, then I might buy them turning over a new leaf..until then..
Its all bullshit rhetoric.
Then we have the wingnuts at the CPAC convention of wingnuts..Coultergeist and Cpl. Matt Sanchez, the ..ahem..gay male prostitute. But please..enjoy the video below of a lefty that actually went to the CPAC ball and interviewed Malkin, among others..hilarious!
tags: Politics, Matt Sanchez, Ann Coultergeist, FBI, Alberto Gonzalez, CPAC, Michelle Malkin