Ms. Hillhouse has an interview up on her site that she recently conducted with BlackWater USA's Prez Gary Jackson. This is quite a coup for her, since these folks aren't usually too forthright with the interviews. She asks questions about Jeremy Scahill's new book about the mercenary group that has gotten rich off the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. She also asks him about the owner of BlackWater, Erik Prince and his christian rightwing contributions.
Ms. Hillhouse has just completed a book entitled 'Outsourced" about merc's and the outsourcing of our wars. I have a pre-release copy and will dive into it shortly, I can't wait to get started on it and will review it for you here.
Check out her interview..see how Jackson dodges questions..he is quite good at it.
Tags: Politics, Blackwater, Erik Prince, Gary Jackson, RJ Hillhouse, Outsourcing