Robert Greenwald's Brave New Films/Foundation has a new project entitled "Meet the Bloggers". It's an online program wherein they interview interesting and important figures within the Blogosphere. This Friday, August 22nd is a show featuring Michael Moore. Also on the show will be David Sirota whom I adore, Cheryl Contee who is the Jill from Jack and Jill Politics and associate editor Liliana Segura of AlterNet.org fame.
To check out their past shows, click here. I think this show will be a good one and Moore is scheduled to be on their next two shows as his plate is always quite full of important issues. From their website, in case your not familiar with this program:
Meet the Bloggers is a live online video show created by Brave New Foundation which is broadcast online every Friday focusing on unconventional political opinion and analysis. Affiliate blogs include The Huffington Post, Think Progress, Alternet, Jack & Jill Politics and Of América. When not live, shows will be made available on-demand on meetthebloggers.org, as well as iTunes, and RSS Feeds. In addition to its web distribution, Meet The Bloggers will be televised on FreeSpeechTV and Link TV.
Greenwald and the folks at Brave New Foundation always educate and inform, we the people. They do this based only on donations. Their goals: Championing social justice issues by using media to inspire, empower, motivate and teach civic participation that makes a difference.~And I believe they do make a difference. Check out the Foundation and the show ok?
We can never stop learning or participating, and the BNF gives us the information and tools to speak truth to power.
Tags: Brave New Foundation, Meet the Bloggers, Robert Greenwald, David Sirota, Michael Moore, Brave New Films