If the Rethugs don't go along, the extreme religious right will punish them. From RightWingWatch:
Yesterday we highlighted a paragraph from a World Magazine article noting that the Family Research Council had pulled out of Sen. Sam Brownback's "Values Action Team" due to his support of Kathleen Sebelius' nomination to be Secretary Health and Human Services.Today, CBN's David Brody got FRC to go on the record about the decision and Tom McClusky explained that it was more of a "temporary leave of absence" that will be re-evaluated once this nomination is over rather than an outright withdrawal, saying that it was done not just to send a message to Sen. Brownback, but to all Republicans senators about how important this is to the Religious Right and their grassroots activists:
These smarmy bastards will threaten all Rethugs who attempt a bipartisan way...bet on it.