Baseball has commenced. This makes me happy as I can break away from MSNBC when I feel like I am going starkers and watch a simple yet very satisfying spring training game on the MLB Network, or the World Baseball Classic.
The WBC is interesting in that the foreign-born players that usually play for MLB teams here in the US are playing for their 'home' team now...A lot of countries are well represented...by far the Dominican Republic had the best of our gents..but they were eliminated by the upstart team from the Netherlands. I shit you not, the Netherlands.
In other news, Spanky is learning all of Pee Wee's bad habits. They have bonded quite well and PW is showing him the ropes..as in hanging off the drapes and destroying my desk by knocking all the interesting shit on the floor to play with and then hide when they are bored with a particular object. The other house cats are still pissed that I brought another orphan into the house. But they bascially ignore him, no fighting or scuffling allowed here, just a little hissing.
I have a fantasy baseball draft today, so that will take up a large portion of my day.
Is it too early to make a Cosmo? Probably...It's Happy Hour somewhere in the world isn't it??