This is the first instance of violence against the Peacekeepers since the murderer that runs Sudan, President Omar al-Bashir, had a warrant issued for him by the ICC (International Criminal Court). From VOA:
The joint UN-African Union peacekeeping mission said the peacekeepers were ambushed by five or six unidentified gunmen on Monday evening while driving near the town of El-Geneina in West Darfur.
The peacekeepers, three Nigerians and one Rwandan, were flown to a base in the town of El-Fasher for treatment, according to the mission, with one of the soldiers in critical condition.
The supporters of Al-Bashir have organized several rallies against American’s and the Europeans that support the ICC warrant. Al-Bashir has expelled at least 13 aid groups, saying they are passing information on to the ICC. It’s going to get uglier before it gets better in Sudan…bet on it. The Sudanese are starving and dying in record numbers and they will pay the ultimate price for the actions of the ICC.