This week is the anniversary of the "war"..A sad, sickening, stomach-turning type of anniversary.
So..As good citizens we need to celebrate this anniversary..by taking part in a protest, a vigil, what-ever-the-hell-it-takes type of activity that gets all the armchair activists out there. Be loud and be proud sportsfans..Hell, buy a damn T-shirt from UFP..they are on sale! Ten bucks gets you this lovely shirt on the left.
I am trekking to Santa Barbara today to participate in an anti-war rally. It promises to be a good one, Santa Barbara residents know how to throw a good protest. I got my favorite T-shirt on..the black one with "He's not MY President" emblazoned across my ample chest.
I urge every one of my three readers to get off your ass and do something this week that vocalizes your opposition to this war. United for Peace and Justice has every activity listed by state and zipcode. I am willing to drive a four hour round trip to show my displeasure with our government. I don't expect everyone to be that conscientious. I started in Santa Barbara and I feel its fitting that I get involved there again. Sadly, we do not have anything planned here in Bakersfield.
The ball and chain fears I will be arrested. I told him to not worry..Its not illegal...Yet.