Mar 19, 2006

Yesterday was a grand display in Fuck You activism.

What I found interesting is that the Speakers at the rally yesterday took as many shots at the Democrap's as they did the Shrub and his minions..

Now....its not a typo..I am now going to refer to the "other" party as the Democraps from here on out. Their message is non-existant and it smells to high heaven. They haven't utilized their own balls in so long they need to freshen up,cuz sportsfans..their ball sacs smell like ass.

As soon as blogger let's me upload some pictures I will do so..with comments of course. I know my three readers are just dying for something to do on this fine Sunday morning..

Today's, Picture.

It's moving day!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have purchased a domain name. I have been meticulously working on a new site,Leftwing Nutjob. Please change your bookmarks people..this puppy will no longer be updated as of July 1st 2011.