There were 50 T-shirt vendors and I racked up the credit card on four so far. This one was my favorite T-shirt and he said he didn't get it "here" at the convention..dammit, I love it so.

Ah, my favorite picture. From left to right: Rummy, Rove, Cheney and the Shrub who is kissing Condi btw. Remember folks, its over a 100 here today..those costumes are friggin hot.

The above pic is Francine Busby on the local progressive talk radio station this morning with "Scooter".Not, "that Scooter", this guy is a progressive talk show host.

David Sirota, author of "Hostile Takeover" gave a great talk, and took questions afterwards. He basically said we are fucked if we let the Repubes frame the issues, it's always issues they know they can beat us on. I will write more later about his speech. The man knows his shit and gave some very good advice as well as research sites to check.

The Nevada group which is trying to keep radioactive waste out of Yucca Mt.
I will post more later. I gotta take a nap and get ready for the evenings festivities. Today hasn't been a good day in the world however..27 Iraqi Olympic officials kidnapped in their offices, Israel is bombing and killing children and innocent civilians and a host of other events that make us, the universal us, sick to our collective stomach.