Nicole Parra has narrowly won her seat each election. She is now "termed out", meaning CA law prohibits her for running for the same office again.
She is also apparently a DINO who has stated she will not endorse nor vote for the current democrat that is seeking to fill her seat, Fran Florez. From an OpEd:
This oddity could come because of a feud between the Parra family and that of state Sen. Dean Florez stemming from a long-age race in which Parra's father was ousted from the Kern County Board of Supervisors. With Fran Florez, Dean's mother, the likely Democratic candidate against Gilmore, Parra says she will neither endorse nor vote for Mrs. Florez. Stay tuned to see whether Parra ends up endorsing a Republican.
What a disgusting show of ignorance Ms. Parra. Ever heard of burying the hatchet? And I don't mean in Dean Florez's back. The needs of the southern valley will not be met by electing Danny Gilmore. You know this, but you would rather toss us under the bus than admit to being wrong. You lady, make me sick.

Nicole Parra's claim to fame? Not much..she was at the top of the list of CA representatives that took gifts from lobbyists..thats about it. She has voted against many of the ideas and programs put forth in Sacramento by Dean Florez, her voting record is here. She supports the Farmers over the farm workers more times than not. Here are a couple of her 'ratings':
2007 On the votes used to calculate its ratings, the Consumer Federation of California attaches more value to those votes it considers more important. For 2007, the Consumer Federation of California gave Assembly Member Parra a rating of 33 percent.
2007 Based on a point system, with points assigned for actions in support of or in opposition to California League of Conservation Voters's position, Assembly Member Parra received a rating of 35.
2007 Based on a point system, with points assigned for actions in support of or in opposition to Sierra Club California's position, Assembly Member Parra received a rating of 31.
2006 Based on lifetime voting records on gun issues and the results of a questionnaire sent to all state legislative candidates in 2006, the National Rifle Association Political Victory Fund assigned Assembly Member Parra a grade of A+ (with grades ranging from a high of A+ to a low of F).
Thank Buddha she can't represent her district any longer...but I fear we will see her in public office sometime in the near future...or perhaps her true calling is as a ...cough..lobbyist.
Tags: Nicole Parra, Dean Florez