The title is tongue in cheek of course..as I am sure no one on this planet is shocked by the news that Rover will not be visiting the Hill as a guest of the House Judiciary Committee.
The latest request for Krazy Karl to appear is based on the investigation into the Don Siegelman affair..by affair I mean that the Rethugs seriously made hay at Don's expense. From the RawStory writeup:
In his latest offer to settle the matter, Rove sent the panel a letter offering to respond to questions in writing, according to his attorney. But he reiterated that he would not testify publicly and under oath.
Committee leaders did not immediately answer questions about how they will respond. Earlier this month, they threatened to subpoena Rove if he did not agree to appear voluntarily by Monday.
Sweet friggin Jaysus, wtf do the idiots think they can do? They have subpoenaed this jackass how many times now and still not done a damn thing to him.
The Dems have no balls nor do they plan to rent any during this session of Congress. What a fucking pity...BushCo is not only in Contempt of Congress, they actually have contempt for Congress.
Tags: Karl Rove, Don Siegelman, Contempt for Congress