As I watched the dog and pony show in the House Financial Services committee this morning I thought aloud:
Timmy G looked a little pissed off at all the grilling he was getting.
Bennie Bernanke got down right hostile at one point. From the WaPo link above:
Earlier, Bernanke came the closest that anyone is likely to see to flashing public anger when responding to some hounding from Rep. Donald Manzullo (R-Ill.), who was demanding a "simple yes or no" from Bernanke, Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner and N.Y. Fed President Bill Dudley on a complicated matter.The members of the committee, especially Maxine Waters, were not in a happy place today. They looked and sounded highly pissed off. Ms Waters is a democrat, but that didn't stop her from going off on Geithner.
"Not one of you three can give me a yes or no?" Manzullo thundered.
"That's because it's a poorly posed question," Bernanke zinged back. Naturally, Bernanke's facial expression remained unchanged.
You can read Bernanke's opening statement here.
Oh, and I finally got Sirens Chronicles back to normal, graphics and all. Happy Happy Joy Joy! ;) I am checking on strengthening the security on the site.